I paid a visit to this interesting area this week and must thank
Stewart Sexton for sending a map and directions which proved most useful. I hoped to see butterflies and wasn't disappointed; Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Common Blue and a great number of Small Skippers were on the wing. And, for the first time in, let me think ... it must be thirty years, I saw and photographed a Six-spot Burnet moth.
Six-spot Burnet (Zyganena filipendulae)
Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)
Common Blue (Polyomatus icarus)I also came upon this Mallow growing in the track-side verge. I thought it was a Musk Mallow but it is not so hairy and the upper leaves were deeply cut so I take it to be a Cut-leaved Mallow (
Malva alcea) ...