It was on just such a bend last week that I came upon a carefree Brown Hare sitting in the middle of the road. The hare sat perfectly still, seemingly unstartled by my arrival. I reached for my camera and it was only when I lifted it to my eye that the hare reacted. Two quick steps took it across the road and up onto the grassy valley side. I thought I'd seen the last of it, but no. As I drove slowly forward, I saw that it was just above me in the grass, ears erect, eyes alert, crouched and ready to spring off in a flash.
Watching hares is always rewarding but this was a rather special encounter.

Good capture of the Hare Emma. They are very wary of people, and don't stay for a pose too long.
It sounds a lovely place to visit.
Brilliant image Emma, I would love to take one of a Hare, can never get that close.
Great hare photo, Emma. Lovely expression on its face and it looks so much at home in the long grass.
Wonderful photograph of one of my favourite animals. We still have quite a decent population of hares in Weardale. Cars certainly make excellent hides for wildlife watching, don't they?
wow....this guy is gorgeous! Love how he's tucked among the blades of golden grass.
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