The source of the River Wansbeck is found near Sweethope Lough, in the midst of the wild Wannies moorland to the west of the village, but it is still hardly more than a tumbling stream as it meanders though the peaceful farmland to the south of the village.
A gated lane leaves the village to the east and a walk there, alongside the Wansbeck, is always productive.

Chiffchaffs were calling from high in the road-side trees, making them difficult to photograph:

Fortunately, the flowers on the verges and amongst the trees were more obliging:

My journey home took me along the old enclosure road beside Harwood Forest where this Brown Hare crossed my path and settled long enough to have its picture taken:

Welcome back Emma. The petals of the Lesser Celandine positively glow dont they? Thanks for the pic of Dog's Mercury which Ive seen recently but couldn't quite identify. How kind of the hare to pose for you, what a marvellous creature. Linda
Thats a lovely lot of photos for your return to blogging Emma. What a fantastic header.{:)
Thank you Linda and Roy. I do hope to keep it going now I've started again.
Glad to see your posting Emma, always a good read.
Back with an excellent post Emma, and a great header.
Nice to see you back!
wonderful photos! my that rabbit looks surprised!
: )
Grand post Emma, just had a look at your header it is 930 pixels wide and 416 deep. Resize it to that if you want it to go all the way across. Good luck.
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