I'm not long returned from a short trip to Suffolk where I enjoyed visits to Constable Country and Sutton Hoo, so these might be good places to start.

At Sutton Hoo, the exhibition at the National Trust visitor centre was fascinating, not least the remarkable reproduction of the Saxon helmet unearthed at the site in 1939 ...

Following the woodland walk to the burial grounds, I found this perfect Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) ...

And this equally perfect Birch polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) ...

And in the hedgerows surrounding the beautiful farmhouse home of my young friends Kerry and Paul Baker, I found sufficient blackberries to make, on my return to Redesdale, a winter-long supply of blackberry and apple jam ...

Good to see you back.
Lovely start to this season's blogs. Thank you Emma.
Welcome back Emma, and a super post to return with. Congratulations on your first Speckled Wood, yay! I enjoyed the jam update very much, in fact I'm off to forage for a scone and jam right now. Lovely to have you back. Linda
Great to see you back Emma.
I'm sure you'll find plenty during the winter months to post about.
Enjoyed this post; great shot of the Fly Agaric; and that Saxon helmet is a work of art.
Blackberry and apple jam, mmmm, my favourite. I'm coming up for tea! lol
That you Adrian, Sandra, Linda and Keith for your kind comments.
A good set of photos to return with Emma.
Nice scenes of Flatford.
Welcome back Emma. Enjoyed the shots from peaceful Suffolk very much and the jam looks very scrummy. FAB.
Delighted that you are blogging again Emma - I really missed your posts. That's a magnifiecnt fly agaric. Most of the ones that I've found have been damaged by slugs...
Thank you Roy, Frank and Phil for your kind comments and to everyone for you generous welcomes back to blogging community.
Welcome back Emma, don't worry about what to write about, I'm sure things to enjoy will come your way.
Ive missed your updates Emma, and im really envious of your visit to Sutton Hoo, somwhere ive alawys wanted to see.
regards brian.
Thanks to Stewart and Brian for their kind comments.
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